This site features the portfolio of dominique Fam,
a Singapore-based illustrator who specializes in digital paintings.

This site features the portfolio of dominique Fam,
a Singapore-based illustrator who specializes in digital paintings.






















Sketch for 'And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up'

Sketch for back cover



Sketch for 'This shall be a sign unto you'



Sketch/Tones for 'Peace, be still'



Progressives for 'The Babe lying in a manger'


Sketch for 'Thy sins are forgiven thee'


Sketch for ' Wise men from the east'



Sketch/Tones for 'Weep not for Me'



Progressives for ' My Father’s business'


This site features the portfolio of dominique Fam,
a Singapore-based illustrator who specializes in digital paintings.
This site features the portfolio of dominique Fam,
a Singapore-based illustrator who specializes in digital paintings.
This site features the portfolio of dominique Fam,
a Singapore-based illustrator who specializes in digital paintings.