1. Shepherds in the field
2. The Babe in a manger
3. Jesus presented in the temple (Simeon and Anna)

4. Wise men from the east
5. Visit of the Magi
6. The Boy Jesus at the temple
7. The baptism of Jesus
8. The temptation in the wilderness
9. The temptation at the pinnacle of the temple
10. The temptation on the mountain
11. Turning water into wine
12. The first cleansing of the temple
13. Nicodemus visits Jesus
14. The woman at the well
15. Reading from the scroll of Isaiah

16. The calling of the first disciples
17. The miraculous catch of fish
18. Casting out an unclean spirit in the Synagogue
19. Healing the sick
20. Jesus heals a leper
21. Praying in the wilderness
22. Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic
23. Picking grain on a Sabbath
24. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda
25. Jesus heals a man with a withered hand
26. The sermon on the mount
27. Healing the centurion’s servant
28. Raising a widow’s son from the dead at Nain
29. A woman anoints Jesus’ feet
30. The parable of the sower
31. Calming the storm

32. Demons cast into swine
33. The woman with the issue of blood receives her healing
34. Raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead
35. Jesus receives news of John the baptist’s death
36. The feeding of the five thousand
37. Jesus walking on the water
38. Peter’s walk on water
39. Jesus is the bread of life
40. Exorcism of the Syrophoenician woman’s daughter
41. Jesus heals the deaf and mute man
42. The feeding of the four thousand
43. The transfiguration
44. Jesus heals a boy possessed by a deaf and dumb spirit
45. Jesus forgives a woman taken in adultery
46. Healing the ten lepers
47. Mary and Martha

48. The Lord’s prayer
49. Jesus heals a blind man
50. The good Shepherd
51. Raising Lazarus from the dead
52. Jesus heals a woman with an eighteen-year infirmity
53. Jesus teaches on marriage and divorce
54. Jesus blesses the children
55. Jesus heals a blind beggar
56. Jesus and Zacchaeus the tax collector
57. The anointing at Bethany
58. The triumphal entry
59. Weeping over Jerusalem
60. Jesus cleanses the temple

61. Jesus curses the fig tree
62. Jesus teaches on paying taxes
63. The widow’s mites
64. Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple
65. A woman anoints Jesus’ head with oil
66. Washing the disciples’ feet
67. The Lord’s Supper and the institution of the Holy Communion

68. The agony in the garden
69. Judas betrays Jesus
70. The arrest of Jesus
71. The denial of Peter
72. Jesus’ trial at the Sanhedrin
73. Jesus faces Pontius Pilte
74. Jesus at Herod’s court
75. Taking the place ofBarrabas
76. The scourging of Jesus
77. The soldiers mock Jesus
78. Jesus stuck by the soldiers
79. Carrying the cross

80. The crucifixion
81. The king on the cross
82. The Finished Work
83. Jesus’ side pierced
84. The tearing of the veil of the temple
85. Jesus buried in a tomb
86. The stone rolled away
87. The empty tomb

88. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
89. The women worship Jesus
90. On the road to Emmaus
91. Jesus appears to the disciples
92. Thomas sees Jesus
93. The restoration of Peter
94. Jesus appears to the multitude
95. The Ascension of Jesus |